Inzwischen ist das bilinguale Ökologieprojekt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fachdidaktik Biologie der Uni Mainz und einer Highschool in Tuscon Arizona USA im vollen Gange. Die Klassen 7c und 7b haben auf einer Exkursion das Ökosystem Wald erforscht und tauschen nun über Videobotschaften ihre Beobachtungen und Versuchsergebnisse mit den amerikanischen Schülerinnen und Schülern aus. Diese wiederum schicken Daten zum Ökosystem Wüste. Im Unterricht werden dann beide Lebensräume verglichen. Am Schlossgymnasium läuft das Projekt in enger Abstimmung der Biologie-, Englisch- und Bililehrer.
Erfahrungsberichte von den Exkursionen:
The animal adventure
On Friday, 28. April 2017, class 7b of the Gymnasium am Kurfürstlichen Schloss, went on an excursion to the Fasanarie (animal park) in Wiesbaden. The trip was in cooperation with an American school-class in Tucson, Arizona, exchanging English biology information. The transfer of natural biological data had been planned by Mrs. Meyerhöffer [from the university of mainz].
[The teachers]… accompanied the class from Mainz to the Fasanarie. Although the journey took some time by public transport, everyone felt quite euphoric.On arrival, the class was divided into several groups. Each party was supplied with a tablet computer to help them gathering information about animals, plants, climate conditions and temperatures. The data had to be collected and presented in a video whilst at the Fasanerie. Having walked around in the zoo, we recorded several clips about different animals and plants, for example, wolves, bears and goats. After four hours in the zoo, lots of walking and even more animals, we went back to the station, where we almost missed the train – all the teachers and kids had to run. After a nice trip with lots of sun, we all returned home.
The project will enable us to learn new things about animals and plants we do not know anything about, yet. Additionally, it strengthens our cooperation with other schools on an international level.
Shaquel M Keller 7b
Impressionen von den Exkursionen und dem Austausch über Videobotschaften der 7c und 7b :