Im laufenden Schuljahr werden die Englisch-Lehrkräfte des Schlossgymnasiums von dem amerikanischen Sprachassistenten Erik Reitan unterstützt, der von Wisconsin für ein Jahr nach Mainz gekommen ist – vielleicht sogar für länger, wie er den Schülerinnen und Schülern des Grundkurses en4 der Jahrgangsstufe 12 in einem Interview verraten hat.
Interview of English class 12 en4 with our American language assistant Erik Reitan
Student: Where exactly are you from?
Erik Reitan: I’m from Green Bay, which is three hours north of Chicago. We are pretty much just known for winter and football.
Student: Why have you taken part in the exchange and have come to Germany?
Erik Reitan: Over the years I have taken part in many school exchanges to Germany, and have made a lot of very close friends here in the area over the years. It’s a great opportunity for me to live in their city. This exchange is also a terrific learning opportunity for me in many ways.
Student: Why do you want to learn German?
Erik Reitan: Germany is a very useful language, and when I was offered to select a foreign language I thought it sounded much crazier than Spanish. So I thought why not learn a crazy language?
Student: What do you expect from your stay in Germany?
Erik Reitan: First of all I want to improve my German. I hope to get a student visa and go back to school. And I would love to stay here for a longer time.
Student: You said you wanted to study in Germany. In which city would you want to study?
Erik Reitan: I would love to be able to stay here in Mainz. I have spent time in many other German cities but I enjoy the fit of Mainz. Also I am tired of moving, I have moved each year within the past five years. I want to study in Mainz so I can stay here.
Student: What are your main life goals?
Erik Reitan: To see more of the world, improve my Spanish, definitely climb a mountain – but an actual mountain- and I see myself better with kids than without, but not now.
Student: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Erik Reitan: I cannot answer that, but hopefully I still have my hair.
Student: Would you leave the US forever and if yes, where would you like to go?
Erik Reitan: If I can go back and visit the US, then I could also leave the US forever. Besides Germany I would also love to spend more time in Mexico.
Student: If you had the possibility to time travel, which time would you choose?
Erik Reitan: I´m not sure but I think that the time before the end of the Roman Empire would be good, 5th century. They had a good quality of life.
Student: What are your hobbies?
Erik Reitan: Basically most outdoor activities and sports. Like a typical American I played football all through high school and college. I am also very interested in hand working crafts, such as welding and blacksmithing.
Student: What kind of music do you listen to?
Erik Reitan: Good music. Good music is good music, basically everything except for country. I love Metal old school and modern Hip Hop, electro rap… Some of my favorite bands are Jack White, Method Man, Led Zeppelin, System of a Down and Wu Tang.
Student: What is your opinion of German women, how can you impress them?
Erik Reitan (laughingly): Apparently you need an Instagram…
Student: What is your favorite soccer team in Germany? And why?
Erik Reitan: Dortmund, my old host partner played for their junior team.
Student: What do think of German food? Is there anything you miss here?
Erik Reitan: I love German food, Schnitzel…… but I miss a real burger.
Student: What do you think of the German school system?
Erik Reitan: It’s good, it promotes competition, but also lets students achieve more if they wish to go on to university.
Student: Who did you vote for in the presidential election?
Erik Reitan: I voted for Hillary Clinton. Why? Lesser of two evils…
Student: What would you ask Donald Trump if you had one free question?
Erik Reitan: Oh, I don’t know what I would ask, but I think that he should answer the question in written form. And he should answer the question and not dance around it.
Student: Do you have a gun?
Erik Reitan: In the US I have a gun. My family has a few guns for hunting, but that is very common in my area.
Student: Thank you for this interview.
Erik Reitan: My pleasure.