Während sie sich im letzten Jahr sehr für unser Projekt „Schlopolis“ interessierten, informierten sie sich dieses Jahr intensiv über unser Projekt der „Schlosspaten“ und besuchten nach einer Schulführung den bilingualen Unterricht in drei bilingualen Klassen (7b, 9b, 10b). Im Mittelpunkt stand immer wieder der Austausch mit unseren Schülerinnen und Schüler, die ihre Sache hervorragend in englischer Sprache meisterten und mit den Lehrern viel über ihre Projekte bzw. die besondere Form des Unterrichts diskutierten.
Schwer beeindruckt von „humanity, passion and tenacity“(Menschlichkeit, Leidenschaft und Durchhaltevermögen) der „Schlosspaten“ und der hohen Leistungsfähgkeit der Bili-Schüler/innen sowie der Schülerinnen/Schüler, die „clearly very proud“ (sichtbar stolz) und kenntnisreich durch das Schulgebäude geführt haben, verließen sie nach einem ereignisreichen Vormittag unsere Schule.
Good Evening Ms. Zehender,
Please allow me to start by saying how impressed my group was with your students and school as a whole today. The Schlosspaten project and the individuals responsible for it are truly inspirational. The students identified a social issue they had the power impact in a positive manner, made a plan and implemented it on their own. Their humanity, passion and tenacity were all complimented by several members of my group. They are a fine example of the difference young people can make when they have a desire to help others and work together to achieve a goal.
We were also very impressed with the students who gave us a tour of the school and in the classes we observed. These young men and women were clearly very proud of their school and were able to articulate the characteristics of the school as well as the history of the building quite well. All of the individuals were quite skilled in terms of the English language and their hospitality was much appreciated!
Thank you again for generously allowing us to visit your school today and informing us of the incredible projects you are working on. Please give our highest compliments to your students and entire staff!
Best Regards, Nate Larsen (TOP 3 Group Leader)